Things you need to do yearly:
- Attend a workshop
- Attend a conference
- Join a local writer's group
- Join a national writer's group
- Establish a web presence
- Book promotion
- book reviewers
- librarians
- writer's group presidents/ vice presidents
- established authors with agents and contracts
- mentor authors
Average workshop cost $75-200
Average conference cost $300-500
Local writer's group dues $20-100
National writer's group dues $80-400
Website (not optimized) $100-200
Book promotion $500-1,000
Okay, math people - not me, that's what calculators are for - let's see what this all adds up to. If you factor in just 1 workshop and 1 conference per year, joining 1 local and 1 national group per year, and only promoting 1 book per year, you come up with:
$1,075 - $2,400 / year.....just to put yourself out there in hopes of talking to the right person who will lead you to the right event with all the stars aligned in your favor.
Oh, but it gets better. This blog post is full of sunshine, isn't it?
50% of all published authors (non-NY) make an average of only $500/book. Kinda disheartening.
Okay, very disheartening.
But there is light at the end of this dark, depressing tunnel. It will pay off. The system is set up to weed out all but the best writers. The good news is that great writers are making great money. They put themselves out there, got the attention of an agent, landed the big contract, and now they are living the dream. If you believe in your writing and invest in yourself, then it will happen for you eventually.
The best thing you can do is accept that you will have to spend money (or be a very smooth talker) until you land an agent. Getting the agent is essential. Whenever I think about how much money I've spent versus how little money I've earned so far, I remind myself that this is how much an agent costs. And repeat.
Agents are expensive these days. I still don't have one. And I'm still spending more money than I make as a writer. But I have hope. I pray every day, and I know that writing is my calling. God is going to make a way. Hang in there, writer friends.
Beware of those who try to scam writer hopefuls. If there is any 1 specific area I would recommend spending your limited dollars, it would be attending a conference and scheduling time with an agent.
Until then, I'll pray for you and you pray for me. Keep the faith!